Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving accidents are an unfortunate reality, not only in California but across the entire world. Even though many states, California included, have taken measures to restrict phone usage, texting, talking, and other interactions with screens while operating a motor vehicle, more than 50% of Californians have reported either being involved in, or nearly being involved in, an accident with someone who was using their cellphones while they were driving. When someone chooses to respond to a text message, check an email, update their GPS, or anything else that takes their eyes off the road, they are making a decision to put everyone else on the road at risk.

If you have been involved in a car accident with someone who was distracted for any reason leading up to the crash, you may be able to work with a personal injury attorney in Fresno to negotiate directly with the other driver’s insurance company or represent you through a full personal injury lawsuit in the Fresno court system. The team at Grossman Law Offices is very experienced with representing clients who have suffered injuries due to distracted drivers, and we will be happy to take your case.

Read more below about the different issues that cause distracted driving, as well as what to do if you are in an accident with a distracted driver. Contact us now to schedule a free initial consultation so that you can speak directly with an attorney about your situation, your injuries, your accident, and how we can help you move forward most effectively to get the money you rightfully deserve.

What Is Distracted Driving?

Generally, people think of someone texting while driving when they hear the term “distracted driving.” While this is a great, and unfortunately common, example, it is not the only instance where someone is operating their vehicle while distracted. Here are some other examples:

Eating While Driving

It may look or sound funny, but too many people decide to eat their breakfast on their morning commute. While they may feel as if they are in control, they are risking spilling their food or having their hand slip at a time when they need to make an important turn. Regardless of how the distraction impacts the accident they cause, the act of eating while driving is a perfect example of distracted driving.

Doing Makeup In the Car

Much like the people who have tried to save time by eating on the way to work, many people are equally guilty of doing makeup or other personal grooming while in motion, which is extremely dangerous and should absolutely not be attempted. If you are in an accident with someone who was doing their makeup of personal grooming, be certain that you discuss this issue with them and the police who arrive on the scene.

Adjusting Radio Controls

While car radio controls are designed to be intuitive and not require an enormous amount of attention from the driver, anything that takes their full attention off the road can lead to problems. Traffic conditions and road hazards can appear in an instant, and when a driver is playing with their radio they may miss an important change that they would have noticed otherwise, leading to an accident.

What To Do After An Accident With a Distracted Driver

One of the most important things to do after getting into an accident with a distracted driver is to document what they were doing during the time of the accident, whether by getting eyewitness accounts, their own account, or having a police officer working with them to complete the accident report. Regardless, this is important information that will play a significant role in determining fault for the accident and getting you the money that you deserve for your accident.

As with any accident, it is extremely important that you get the medical attention that you need, regardless of the extent of your injuries. What may seem as inconsequential over the first few days can rapidly turn into a serious injury that can have long-term consequences and widespread ramifications if not properly treated by a medical professional. In addition, early contact with your doctor establishes a medical record of the injury, which will be very helpful during your case.

Contact Us Now

Contact the team at Grossman Law Offices today for a free consultation about your injuries, and learn more about how we can help you fight for the financial compensation that you deserve. We will be able to discuss the situation that you are in, and how we can help you get what you need to get your life back on track. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can begin working on your case.