Fresno Head Injury Attorney

Head injuries range from as mild as a bump, bruise, or cut on the head to as moderate or severe as a concussion, deep cut, fractured skull or bones, or internal bleeding. A head injury is a term that used to describe a wide array of injuries that occur to the scalp, skull, brain, and underlying tissue and blood vessels. The recovery and disability level of head injuries all depend on the severity of the injury.

Head injuries not only inflict physical but also emotional injuries, depending on where the brain sustained injury. Severe head injuries are considered catastrophic as they leave the victim with permanent damage and disability.  If you or a loved one have sustained a head injury as a result of someone else’s negligence it is important that you speak with a Fresno head injury lawyer.

Head Injury

Types of Head Injury

Head injuries can be open or closed. A closed injury does not break through or puncture the skull. An open head injury is a penetrating injury in which an object pierces the skull and enters the brain. Closed injuries are not always less severe than open injuries. The following are different types of head injuries:

Concussion –  A closed head injury may cause a loss of awareness or alertness for a short period of several hours after injury.

Skull fracture –  An open head injury in which a break in the skull bone has occurred. Skull fractures are grouped into four categories:

  1. Linear skull fracture  *(most common fracture and no intervention is usually necessary)
  2. Depressed skull fracture *(may require surgical intervention)
  3. Diagnostic skull fracture *(often seen in newborns and older infants)
  4. Basilar skull fracture *(most serious skull fracture)

Intracranial hematoma There are several types of intracranial hematomas and they are classified by their location in the brain. Hematomas can range from mild head injuries to serious and potentially life-threatening injuries.

Causes of Head Bruising and Internal Damage

Although there are many causes of head injury, the most common traumatic injuries are from motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, violence, and slip and falls. A direct blow to the head or a whiplash-type injury in motor vehicle accidents can cause bruising of the brain and damage to the internal tissue and blood vessels.

A bruise that’s directly related to trauma at the side of impact is called a coup lesion. When the brain jolts backward it can hit the skull on the opposite side resulting in a bruise called a countercoup lesion. The clashing of the brain against the sides of the skull can cause tearing of the internal lining, tissues, and blood vessels that may also cause internal bleeding, bruising, or swelling of the brain.

Symptoms of Head Injury

If you have recently been involved in an accident it is important to learn the signs and symptoms of a head injury. Head injury symptoms mimic a lot of other medical conditions, so it is very important that you familiarize yourself with the symptoms and seek immediate medical care after an accident. Head injury symptoms can include:

  • Post-traumatic headache that gets worse and does not go away
  • Vomiting and or nausea
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • An inability to wake up
  • Enlarged pupils in one or both eyes
  • Slurred speech
  • Weakness or numbness in the extremities, arms, and legs
  • Loss of coordination
  • Increased confusion, restlessness, and agitation

Fresno Head Injury Attorney

Individuals who suffer severe brain injury may lose muscle strength, fine motor skills, speech, vision, and other functions depending on the severity of the damage. Long or short term changes in personality and behavior can also occur. These individuals will require long-term medical and rehabilitative management which can be financially and emotionally draining.

The Grossman Law Offices understands the road to recovery that head injury victims will face. Allow the Grossman Law Offices to focus on maximizing your compensation to help with the burden of medical expenses and loss of income so that you and your family can focus on what’s most important, your recovery.