Car Accidents in Bakersfield

California drivers face various threats daily that could lead to an accident. Inclement weather conditions, poor road surfaces, and negligent drivers present hazards for many Bakersfield area drivers. The Insurance Institute Of Highway Safety (IIHS) found that California led the nation in fatal car accidents.  California recorded 3,316 deadly accidents resulting in 3,606 fatalities.

Many California drivers worry about what steps to take if they’re involved in an accident. Many drivers voice concerns about having the resources necessary to make a full recovery after their accident. Financial recovery is a key element after a serious car accident. 

Unfortunately, insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying Bakersfield car accident victims. That’s why it can be beneficial for auto accident victims to secure the services of an experienced car accident attorney. The Grossman Law Offices provide sophisticated legal representation to individuals injured by the negligence of others and can sit down with you for a free consultation today. 

Common Bakersfield Car Accident Causes

When you’ve suffered an injury in a motor vehicle accident, it is imperative to understand what caused your crash. Understanding the cause of your accident will help your car accident lawyer obtain maximum compensation on your behalf. Also, each type of car accident is unique and requires specific investigation measures. 

Your Bakersfield car accident lawyers will investigate your accident closely to determine the true cause of the crash. Sometimes car accident lawyers find multiple parties that share the blame for the accident. The most common Bakersfield, CA car wreck causes are:

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is preventable in the majority of situations but still leads to horrible accidents. Distracted driving reduces reaction speed, causes vehicles to swerve into other lanes, and contributes to many catastrophic car crashes. 

Sadly, the use of cell phones and GPS technology in vehicles has increased the number of car accidents caused by distracted driving. The NHTSA’s distracted driving statistics estimate more than 850,000 drivers in the United States are texting or otherwise using cellphones from behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Bakersfield, CA drivers run a higher risk of getting into an accident with other drivers while distracted. 

Luckily, California laws allow victims of auto accidents to recover compensation from any party who caused their physical injuries by driving negligently. The Grossman Law Offices have helped victims recover significant compensation for their losses, including medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and physical and emotional pain and suffering.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal. The California Office of Traffic Safety reports that approximately one-third of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers. 

If you suffer a severe injury because of the recklessness of a drunk driver, then you’re entitled to recover compensation. Driving with a blood alcohol content higher than the legal limit is a serious offense. Liable parties can be held responsible in court. Speak with car accident lawyers in your community if you’ve been involved in drunk driving accidents. 

Inclement Weather

Weather-influenced road conditions can play a significant role in causing a motor vehicle related severe injury. You can’t file a lawsuit against nature, but if drivers practice poor driving behavior in poor weather conditions, they can be responsible for compensating the injured person. All drivers are responsible for exercising extra caution when driving in bad weather to avoid accidents.

Reckless Driving

According to the elements of negligence, each driver has must show care for themselves and others while on the road. Some drivers make mistakes, and others may purposefully decide to drive dangerously. If an intentionally dangerous driver causes an accident, all injured victims have the right to get compensation for their losses from that driver.

Reckless driving, road rage, and tailgating are some of the most common aggressive driving behaviors. If you’ve suffered a Bakersfield car accident because of an emotional or aggressive driver, contact The Grossman Law Offices today for a free consultation. 


A 2018 speeding survey conducted by the NHTSA found that speeding drivers caused 26% of all fatal accidents, resulting in the loss of 13,000 lives. Speeding is dangerous on highways, but 86% of fatal speeding-related accidents were not on interstate highways. Speak with an adept car accident lawyer if you’re experienced severe injuries due to the dangerous behaviors of other drivers. 

Defective Vehicles

The following common car defects can cause an accident or contribute to your injuries:

  • Airbag failures
  • Brake failure
  • Seatbelts that unbuckle in an impact
  • Seatbelts that fail or break during an accident
  • A roof that collapses during a rollover crash
  • Electrical system defects
  • Sudden unintended acceleration.
  • Power steering failure
  • Tire failure

If you or someone you know was injured in a car accident caused by an auto defect, preserve any evidence that can support your claim. Take pictures and video of the car and the accident scene. Try to keep track of the location of your vehicle, even if it is in an impound lot. Do not get the car repaired until you have hired an attorney. If possible, store the vehicle in a secure location until your attorney can investigate and inspect the vehicle for defects.

Disobeying Traffic Rules

Intersections can be some of the most dangerous places on the road. The Association for Psychological Science (APS) reports that yellow lights pose a significant risk to drivers since they’re forcing drivers to make a split decision about whether to stop or go. 

Many Bakersfield, CA drivers believe yellow lights mean they should speed through the intersection. Sometimes this decision can cause a personal injury. Car accident lawyers can help those who have suffered because of someone else’s negligence.  

Intersections controlled by stop signs, instead of traffic lights, also pose a danger to California drivers. The Federal Highway Administration reports that more than 50% of fatal crashes occur at intersections. If you were injured in an accident at a stop sign or traffic light intersection, a skillful Bakersfield car accident attorney could help you identify who is at fault.

Driver Fatigue

Getting behind the steering wheel while fatigued is dangerous. Motor vehicle accidents often occur because drivers fall asleep at the wheel. This type of Bakersfield car accident can have similar repercussions as a drunk driving accident. 

If you were injured because someone else fell asleep at the wheel and want to get started on a car accident lawsuit, speak with our Bakersfield car accident lawyers immediately. Your Bakersfield personal injury law firm can advocate for any injured person looking to recover damages due to someone else’s negligence. 

Is it worth getting a lawyer for a car accident?

Every Bakersfield car accident claim won’t require a lawsuit. If nobody was hurt and the other driver has auto insurance, it’s typically a straightforward process to get reimbursed by their insurer. 

However, if anyone has suffered injuries, had significant property damage, or missed time from work because of this incident, it can be a good idea to seek reimbursement via a car accident lawsuit. If you filed an insurance claim that was denied, offered a low-ball settlement, or the insurance company refuses to negotiate, consider legal action.

When the other driver is uninsured, you may have to sue them to recover anything in your accident. In these cases, Bakersfield car accident professionals recommend filing a claim with your uninsured motorist insurance policy. 

Being injured in a Bakersfield car accident is no small thing. Some of the injuries you may face can have a devastating impact on your life. That’s why auto accident professionals suggest that you seek medical attention if you’re injured and sit down with a professional Bakersfield law firm to discuss your injuries during a free consultation. 

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can inflict serious pain in your life. These accidents can be catastrophic and life-altering for Bakersfield victims. Skillful car accident lawyers help clients recover damages if they have experienced any of the following injuries: 

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Bone fractures
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Permanent disabilities
  • Severe Lacerations
  • Soft-tissue injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Wrongful death

California law also allows claimants to seek compensation for their emotional, mental, and psychological suffering. The Bakersfield car accident lawyers at Grossman Law Offices can help you seek a fair amount for pain and suffering, emotional damages, anguish, grief, distress, and post-traumatic stress disorder after a catastrophic auto accident.

California Car Accident Laws

Bakersfield car accidents can get complex. Once you’re in an accident, time begins to count down. Your car accident lawyer will be familiar with the laws that govern your case and help keep you in compliance. Here are some laws that could affect your access to a favorable Bakersfield car accident claim. 

California Statute of Limitations

In Bakersfield, CA, all crash victims have two years from the date of their car accident to file injury claims and three years for property-damage only claims. Courts follow this rule very closely, but sometimes the clock doesn’t start until the date of discovery. 

California’s Fault-based Insurance Laws

California follows fault-based car insurance laws. All drivers must carry bodily injury coverage and property damage liability insurance. After an accident, injured parties will file claims with the at-fault party’s insurance provider for damage recovery. 

Depending on the situation, injured victims may reserve the right to file lawsuits instead of insurance claims. ​​It’s not always easy to get accurate insurance information. That’s why it can be beneficial to speak with a Bakersfield car accident lawyer after an accident. 

Comparative Negligence

Bakersfield courts do not prevent victims from recovering damages if they’re partially responsible for causing an auto accident. Instead, they reduce the victim’s recovery award by their percentage of fault. Even if an injured person is responsible for 90% of the wreck, they could still recover 10% of the compensation award. 

A car accident attorney can help you stand up for yourself against a comparative negligence defense. The Bakersfield car accident lawyers at The Grossman Law Office stay updated on the latest changes in the law. Bakersfield car accident lawyers want to help victims recover because they are dedicated to making the community safer. 

California Car Accident Victim Compensation

Every accident case is delicate due to the different damages and losses survivors suffer. Seeking the appropriate amount is crucial for getting what you need and increasing the odds of securing an insurance settlement. 

Your Bakersfield car accident attorney can help you recover compensation for the following:

  • Existing medical debts
  • Future hospital bills and health care expenses
  • Temporary or permanent disability accommodations
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Vehicle repairs or replacement
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death damages

Catastrophic injury cases can be worth a significant amount, but insurance companies will attempt to coerce you into settling for less than you deserve. Retaining the right attorney will help you fight for the recovery you need. Sit down with us during your free consultation so that we can estimate the reasonable value of your claim. 

Average Car Accident Settlement in California

Every single case is different, and so is each settlement award. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average payout for a car accident nationwide is $15,785. No lawyer can guarantee that you’ll get more or less than $15,000, but they can help you understand what your claim could be worth.

Bakersfield Car Accidents and Car Accident Settlements

Insurance companies use tactics like quickly contacting victims because they desire to settle matters. They do this because they want victims to settle before clearly understanding the damages involved.

However, Bakersfield car accident lawyers know the insurance company’s tactics and can help you navigate the repayment of your outstanding medical bills. If you accept an offer before you’re fully healed, you run the risk of not recovering all the resources you deserve. When you accept an offer from an insurance company, they require you to sign a release so that no future medical bills will be paid.

Your Bakersfield car accident lawyer will handle your case and document your injuries and damages. Skillful Bakersfield car accident lawyers collect medical bills, records, property damage estimates, police reports, and employment records if the victim has to miss work. 

They then use all of this information, their knowledge of the Bakersfield courts, and an in-depth analysis of your injuries to determine the approximate value range of your claim. However, many factors are at play that can affect the value of your settlement. 

Factors that Affect Settlement Value

An array of factors can affect your settlement value. The Grossman Law Offices have experience analyzing the following to get indications of what your claim is worth: 

  • The total amount of medical bills
  • Current lost wages
  • Future estimates for medical treatment costs
  • Future lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental Anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Punitive damages
  • Your pre-existing conditions or medical issues prior to the accident
  • Liability, negligence, and fault in the accident

Determining the Settlement Value for a Bakersfield Car Accident Case

One of the best ways to determine the value of your case is to speak to Bakersfield car accident lawyers. Consulting with a lawyer before speaking to an insurance company could save your claim before it even gets started. 

In many cases, you might not even need an attorney to help you with your case. If you only experienced minor damages and your doctor determines that you’re fine after an examination, then you probably don’t need an accident attorney. 

However, if there are significant injuries or someone dies as a result of the accident, a lawyer can help you to save time and conduct a proper examination of your case. The Grossman Law Office offers a completely free consultation so that you can get the assistance you need to start your claim. 

How long does it take to settle a California car accident injury claim?

It’s hard to estimate the length of time you’ll have to wait before you get compensation because each accident is unique. It could be months or even a year before you’re able to receive a settlement award. 

Accident settlements can happen quickly when insurance companies determine their policyholder was clearly at fault. However, claims adjusters will take their time if they have even a slight belief that the victim is partly or fully responsible for the accident. 

To be successful in these types of cases, you will need to be represented by a personal injury attorney with many years of experience representing injured plaintiffs. At Grossman Law Offices we have been representing clients who have been injured by harmful or defective products since 1972, and have won more than $100 million total for our clients.

The sooner you begin proceedings, the stronger your case will be, so call now to schedule your free consultation with a Bakersfield car accident attorney.